Because yes, I've been away, and while we're on it - they friggin'
ruined the Enchanted Tiki House. Ruined. I am really, sincerely devastated.

The incomparable Shaun Farrel, of the indispensable
Adventures in SciFi Publishing podcast, has an interview with Yours Truly up now, which you can listen to directly
here, or via iTunes. We talk about my latest anthology,
Fast Forward 2,
sort of, as I found it hard to stay on topic. (Or, admittedly, to let him get a word in.)
Then, Fantasy Book Critic runs my picks in their
2008 Review/2009 Preview.
And here's
an interesting review of
Fast Forward 2, by blogger Steven Mollman, who admittedly
never buys non-media tie-in science fiction, and what an interesting animal that is! Like a being from a parallel universe to my own! But it seems Mollman picked up
FF2 for
Paul Cornell (
and hence the Doctor Who connection). His verdict? He seems lukewarm on a lot of it, but calls it a "fine anthology" and says he will seek out more stories by at least one of the contributors (Ian McDonald), which is the desired effect of an anthology, isn't it? So I am pleased. Interestingly, he notes, "for an ostensibly unthemed anthology, there sure were a lot of stories about a future Earth with its ecology either on the verge of collapse or already collapsed. Maybe that happened because it's what's actually going to happen, but it got a little tiring after a while."
I didn't think there were a lot. But hopefully we won't have to get tired of actually
living that future, rather than just
reading about it.