Saturday, August 13, 2005

Prepare for the Infoquake

Next summer, we'll be debuting a brand new novelist named David Louis Edelman. David is a web programmer and computer trainer, who has worked with the U.S. Army, the FBI, and the World Bank. His novel, Infoquake, isn't really like anything else I've ever read. First of a trilogy, Infoquake is a novel of science fiction business, set several centuries hence in a very detailed future world, and can only be described as Dune meets the Wall Street Journal. I'm very exciting about the book and really interested to see how it is received. But before the first volume comes out next July, David will be promoting the Jump 225 trilogy on a special website which launched earlier this week. He'll be growing the content throughout the year (and beyond), but you can already get a taste here.


Anonymous said...

This seems very timely, Lou.

About two years ago, I sent in some comments to Charlie Stross about one of the stories in his Accelerando sequence, then published in Asimov's.
He partly agreed, and partly disagreed, and asked if I could be a beta reader for a few of these stories further down the road, which I happily did.

Now, at that point I thought that he focussed on the economics of the situation too much in a few of these stories. Which he countered with a remark that economics was a greatly overseen and underdeveloped aspect in most SF. Of late, I find I agree more and more with that.

So this novel looks like it might very well fill in an underdeveloped aspect of SF, something we did our little bit in with Jason Stoddard's Winning Mars (Interzone #196, sold out), and the sequel Saving Mars, upcoming in our Anniversary issue (Interzone #200): Saving Mars.


Lou Anders said...

Hi Deanna, Jetse,
The few people who have already read Infoquake have already made the Stross comparison, so you may be spot on. I read this manuscript start to finish across a single weekend and could not put it down. David has all the world-building of Frank Herbert (along with the amazing appendixes, etc...), but 100% of the suspense comes from product launches, dirty competitor tricks, industrial espionage, political machinations. I say again, I have never read a book like this. It has aspects of Dune, Foundation, Ender's Game,, even The Diamond Age,, but it's utterly unique!

A.R.Yngve said...

Now *this* is why I started reading SF in the first place - to be surprised by fresh new ideas! Economics and business have not been focused on much in the genre, so this book is most welcome.

I really look forward to reading INFOQUAKE. :)

Jess Nevins said...

Stephenson's System of the World trilogy was as much about economics and business as anything else. I'm glad to see other authors making use of this.

Lou Anders said...

Yes, I have the Baroque Cycle on my shelf, waiting alongside Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell to be read if I ever retire and can take a few months out of my own (for work) reading schedule to tackle 3,452 pages somebody else published!

I'm not being sarcastic. I really want to read those four books. It's just not going to happen for years. So I've contented myself with recommending them to my brother.

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it!

I've got about 150+ books on the "to be read" shelf at home, and still I buy more, not to mention how far I'm behind on magazines...

And WorldCon didn't help in that respect either. Still, I'll buy "Infoquake", and will attempt to read it.


Lou Anders said...

I think the series I most miss reading when it came out is John C. Wrights Golden Age books. I've got all three on the shelf, and they tease me from there everytime I walk by!

And thank you Jetse. I'll be very curious to hear your opinion of Infoquake when it comes out.