Thursday, October 02, 2008

FF2: The Age of Accelerating Returns

My introduction to Fast Forward 2,"The Age of Accelerating Returns," has just gone up on SFSignal this morning.

I don't know if anyone actually reads introductions, but I'm pretty proud of this one, as it says a lot of what I have to say about science fiction in general.


Anonymous said...

I am picking up my copy this afternoon (woo hoo!), so I think I will wait on reading the introduction* until I can then jump right into the stories.

*I always read introductions, and usually at the beginning. The exception is when the introduction assumes the reader is familiar with the work; then I read it as an afterword.

Lou Anders said...

I will be anxious for your opinion. And am glad you read from the beginning - I slave over the order, as I know other anthologists do - and suspect most people read around...

Alvaro Zinos-Amaro said...

I too read through anthos in order. I should be receiving a (review) copy of FF2 soon; can't wait to delve in.

Nice work in the Intro. I'm consistently fascinated by how so many opinions expressed by Isaac Asimov in his non-fiction were so far ahead of his time. He truly saw into the future -- our now -- and beyond.

Lou Anders said...

Yup. It's easy to make fun of his prose these days (I admit to doing it), but he really was a genius.