My Anticipation Schedule:
When: Thu 14:00
Location: P-524B
Title: Hollywood’s Favorite SF Writer
Session ID: 392
All Participants: David Weingart, Jason Bourget, Lou Anders, John
Scalzi, Lenny Bailes
Moderator: Yourself
Description: Forty years ago it might have been Jules Verne or H. G.
Wells. Today it’s the late Philip K. Dick who died before the release
of “Blade Runner,” based on his “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”
Since then we’re seen “Minority Report,” “Total Recall,” “Next,”
“Screamers,” “Imposter,” “Paycheck” and “A Scanner Darkly.” More are
on the way. Why has Hollywood embraced PKD even as they ignore other
giants on the bookshelf? Which of the films have been most
successful? Most faithful?
When: Fri 10:00
Location: P-522B
Title: Editors Panel II
Session ID: 736
All Participants: Ellen Datlow, Lou Anders, Rani Graff, Stanley
Schmidt, Sheila Williams
Moderator: Rani Graff
Description: A broad spectrum of editors discuss the craft of
editing; anthologies; and how they select stories.
When: Fri 14:00
Location: P-513A
Title: Modern Graphic Design in Publishing
Session ID: 704
All Participants: Lou Anders, Pablo Defendini, Sarah Micklem, Stephen
H. Segal, John Picacio, Jennie Faries
Moderator: Stephen H. Segal
Description: Book cover design and how other media can influence and
inspire the look of what you see at the bookstore.
When: Fri 19:00
Location: P-524A
Title: Sidewise Award for Alternate History
Session ID: 558
All Participants: Evelyn Leeper, Jo Walton, Lou Anders, Steven H
Description: Evelyn Leeper and Steven H Silver explain and present.
When: Fri 19:30
Location: P-516AB
Title: Chesley Awards and Art Show Reception List
Session ID: 1697
All Participants: Alan F. Beck, Lou Anders, Stephen H. Segal, Vincent
Docherty, John Picacio, Jean-Pierre Normand, Brianna Spacekat Wu,
Frank Wu, Joni Brill Dashoff, Gay Ellen Dennett, Dan O`Driscoll, Ted
Atwood, David Palumbo, Daniel Dos Santos, Pia Guerra
Description: Placeholder for those participants involved in Chesley
Awards and the Artists Reception
When: Fri 21:00
Location: P-522B
Title: Advice for New Writers: Experienced Professionals Tell the Secrets of Getting Published
Session ID: 764
All Participants: Jenny Rae Rappaport, Lou Anders, Walter Jon
Williams, Stanley Schmidt
Moderator: Walter Jon Williams
Description: How to get published (not). In a liar’s panel, these
professional writers, editor and agent give a lot of advice. But maybe
new writers should be careful about taking it literally.
When: Sat 11:00
Location: P-521B
Title: Lou Anders (Kaffeeklatsch)
Session ID: 1070
All Participants: Lou Anders
Description: A chance to ask one of your favourite authors those
burning questions. (I'm an author? Cool!)
When: Sat 15:30
Location: P-511BE
Title: Pyr Books Presents
Session ID: 578
All Participants: Lou Anders
Description: Publisher Presentation.
Duration: 1:30 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Literature in English
AV/Internet request: None
When: Sun 9:00
Location: Outdoors
Title: Stroll With The Stars - Sunday
Session ID: 6
All Participants: Farah Mendlesohn, Lou Anders, Mary Robinette Kowal,
Paul Cornell, Stu Segal, John Picacio, Felix Gilman
Moderator: Stu Segal
Description: A gentle, friendly 1 mile stroll with some of your
favorite Authors, Artists & Editors. Leaving daily 9AM, from the
Riopelle Fountain outside the Palais (corner of Ave Viger & Rue de
Bleury), returning before 10AM.
When: Sun 12:30
Location: P-516D
Title: The Future of Science Fiction and Fantasy Art
Session ID: 1565
All Participants: Karen Haber, Lou Anders, Pablo Defendini, John
Moderator: John Picacio
Description: Will the changing nature of publishing will affect its
form and possibly its very existence? How many artists in the ‘70’s
could imagine a world where record covers wouldn’t be a vibrant art
market? Is book cover art destined for the same fate as record album
cover art?
When: Sun 18:00
Location: P-710A
Title: Hugo Awards Reception
Session ID: 10
All Participants: Neil Gaiman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Taral Wayne, Tom
Doherty, Julie E. Czerneda, Alan F. Beck, Aliette de Bodard, Ann
VanderMeer, Beth Meacham, Bill Willingham, Cheryl Morgan, Christopher
J. Garcia, Cory Doctorow, Darlene Marshall, Dave Howell, David Anthony
Durham, David Hartwell, Elizabeth Bear, Ellen Datlow, Emma Hawkes,
Farah Mendlesohn, Gord Sellar, Gordon Van Gelder, Guy H. Lillian III,
Jay Lake, John Helfers, John Kessel, Jonathan Strahan, Karl Schroeder,
Kathryn Cramer, Kevin J. Maroney, Kij Johnson, Lillian Stewart Carl,
Lou Anders, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mike Resnick, Nancy Kress, Neil
Clarke, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Paul Cornell, Paul Kincaid, Rev. Randy
Smith, Sean Wallace, Stephen H. Segal, Yves Meynard, Steve Green,
Steven H Silver, Sue Mason, Tony Pi, Claude Lalumière, Mike Glyer,
John Hertz, John Scalzi, Stanley Schmidt, Charles Stross, John
Picacio, Frank Wu, Sheila Williams, Felix Gilman, Ginjer Buchanan,
LeAmber Kinsley, Paolo Bacigalupi, Pia Guerra, Tobias Buckell
Description: Reception for the Hugo award nominees, presenters and
That's it. I removed the one panel I was double-booked for (it was opposite the Pyr Presentation), but they say they may move it to another time. They may also add an autograph session in. And the Chesley and Sidewise awards are overlapping. I'm up for the former, but the designated acceptor for three of the latter.
So basically, I will be the blur you see racing down the hallways.