Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Trip Back in Time...and Sideways in Crime!

Sideways In Crime
Really nice to see a review for my 2008 anthology Sideways in Crime pop up. Pandora's Longbox singles out stories by Paul Di Filippo, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and others, and concludes: "Anders has included 15 short stories in Sideways in Crime and all of them show skill and verve. The result is the second collection I've recently read with Anders associated with it and the second that I have pretty much thoroughly enjoyed. So I'll be looking for Anders's name on new anthologies and, if you like a good collection of short stories, I recommend you do so as well."

Sideways in Crime was an anthology of  "alternate mystery" stories - meaning classic "Who Dunnit" mysteries set in alternate histories. I'm very proud of it and very glad to see it's still being read.

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