Friday, February 03, 2006

Even More Pyr in the News

Keith Brooke is interviewed on SciFi Wire about the extremely positive advanced word on his novel, Genetopia, and George Zebrowski and Yours Truly are jointly interviewed over at Barnes & Nobles' Explorations newsletter. Paul Goat Allen of Explorations has this to say about George's Macrolife:
"One of science fiction's most visionary -- and underacknowledged -- masterworks, George Zebrowski's Macrolife, has been fatefully reissued by Pyr. This 1979 classic about mobile, self-reproducing space habitats elevating humanity to a new evolutionary level is just as wildly thought-provoking today as it was almost three decades ago...Science fiction fans who are tired of what Zebrowski calls "print television" -- novels with little or no intellectual substance, written like they were made-for-TV movies -- should definitely check out this sweeping and profound look at the long-term future of humankind -- a work described by Arthur C. Clarke as "one of the few books I intend to read again." Looking for brain food? Here's a gourmet feast from one of the genre's most sagacious writers."

1 comment:

A.R.Yngve said...

When a publisher decides to re-release a classic SF novel, do you think it's in order to update details that have become outdated since its first publication?

(For example: it's the near future, but no one uses cell phones or PCs, cloning is still impossible, etc.)

I think it's up to the author if he or she wants to edit these things...