Returning to Thurber House, I tested out a new portable blender and made my usual lunch of yogurt and fruit protein shakes. New blender doesn't do frozen fruit well, so I ate that with a spoon but the rest was great. Then I walked 36 minutes to The Book Loft of German Village, which boasts 32 rooms of books. I was understandably lost inside for a bit, then I hoofed it back in time to get ready for the evenings reception (ahem, in my honor, ahem), the highlight of which was a performance by the Thurber Chamber Theater who did dramatic readings of short fiction by James Thurber. And there were cookies!
Afterward, Meg Brown, Director of Children's Education, gave me a tour of Columbus.
And now I'm back, feeling like I need to eat something vegetable, and settling in to do some work before a very busy day tomorrow.
Having a great, productive time immersed in my world, but here is list of...
Things I Miss Most About Home:
1) My wife and kids
2) My Japanese Toto toilet
3) My coffee machine
4) My Xbox One
5) Big Spoon Creamery
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