On The RPG Gamer Dad Podcast, we continue our live-action role play session of the Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game from Evil Hat Productions. Mike Olson, the creator of Atomic Robo RPG, is the GM. Shanna Germain of the fabulous Monte Cook Games is Helen ‘Nightingale’ McAllister. Devon Kelley of the Sharkbone Podcast is Donovan ‘Jack Tarot’ McAllister. And RPG Gamer Dad is Professor Pierson. And I am the Atomic Robo himself! (You can hear Part One here.)
I'm also making my first ever appearance on Dungeon Master's Block today, talking with Chris and Mitch about All Things World Building, for gamers and writers alike. We go indepth as to how I created the World of Qualth for my Thrones & Bones novels. It was a fabulous conversation with two really insightful and interesting guys (their podcast is always chocked full of useful ideas) and I'm thrilled to be on it!
Check out both shows!
Hey Mr Anders,
I really enjoyed your interview on the DM's Block, I found most of your advice and insights helpful, and found that you and I share many likes in common. In particular I'd love to get my hands on the Moorcock Interview that you referenced, but my google-fu is inadequate. What was the name again? You said it wasn't in publication anymore, any chance of an e-book in existence?
Anyone declaring their love for both David Bowie and Micheal Moorcock is a friend to me and I plan to get Frostborn for my 11 year old daughter for us to read together.
Hi Ian
It's great to hear from you.
The book is "Death is No Obstacle" by Colin Greenland. The whole book is the interview with Moorcock. I believe it was published by Savoy press. It's out of print, but I tracked it down on a used book site (Alibis maybe?). I see there are some used ones on Amazon now. A little pricey but the book is worth it if you're a Moorcock fan. http://amzn.to/1j3sJkN
And thank you. I hope your daughter loves Frostborn (and you do too). If you read it with her, picture David Bowie voicing the dragon!
Both the interviews are quite good and I learn few things from the both. RPG Gamer Dad is having a very good personality, in-fact quite impressive personality. Computer games by these company are really too good and mostly appreciated by people. Especially the games by Monte Cook Games are those I like most. Thanks for sharing the info. Creative Carnival Games Boston
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